Oatmeal ideas

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day... ugh. Okay so this year my goal is to stop eating brownies for 'brunch' and actually focus on putting something of nutritional value in my tummy, brownie can wait till later.

I read up on quick, no cook breakfast ideas, other than cereals and found a wealth of reasons to join an oatmeal party. Its cheap, quick and healthy as long as you don't go overboard with sugar :O! ..would I !

I was a little over whelmed when I hit the grocery store seeing so many flavours all with ingredients unpronounceable to most. I ended up buying a huge container of plain'old fashioned' rolled oats, they range from around $2 - $5 all natural and no sugar.

I didn't even think about cooking them! What a pain, I can safely say I won't be doing that again. Now I just pour water to cover the oats in my bowl, about a half a cup, then add a splash of milk and microwave on high for about a minute. Gave it a stir and viola!

I tried my soft, warm oatmeal and sigh, they lacked fun. So, I made it my mission to get creative! Here are a few easy ways to get started on your oatmeal journey too. Happy healthy breakfasting!

* Fruit toot: Grate orange, lemon or grapefruit rind into your oats before cooking, it gives a loud burst of citrus and added vitamin c to your morning.

* Chocy wokcy: Cocoa powder, cinnamon and rasins makes for a yummy sweet and extra healthy option. Cocoa powder is choc full of antioxidants too.

* Sticky and sweet: Brown sugar melts into the oatmeal and a little goes a long way, top with almonds or walnuts for extra sweet crunch.

* Honey bee! Fresh and easy do an amazing organic squeezy honey for around $5. Its all the sweetness you crave and need, I like to add a spoonful of greek yoghurt in this mix just because ;)

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